National Broadband Network - by Vantage Broadband - Pricebook
NBN employs two different technoliogies on Hope Island Resort:
FTTB - Fibre to the Block (for some of the appartment buildings)
FTTC - Fibre to the Curb (for most streets)
Vantage Broadband will connect you with either technology. No connection fees for existing Hope Island Resort customers. Current monthly subscription fees are:
12/1 Mbps -10 Gigab/month - $ 47 per month
12/1 Mbps - 210 Gigabyte/month - $ 51 per month
12/1 Mbps - Unlimited Gigabytes - $ 59 per month
25/5 Mbps - Unlimited Gigabytes - $ 69 per month
50/20 Mbps - Unlimited Gigabytes - $ 79 per month
100/40 Mbps - Unlinmited Gigabytes - $ 89 per month